
These words are written to inspire you.
These thoughts are shared to ignite you.
This life is meant to be lived by you.
So LIVE your life to the fullest.


Tuesday, June 29, 2010


If your life is solely about you, then you’re wasting it. If your hopes and desires are motivated by the accolades and rewards due to you, your dreams are feeble at best. You are here for a greater reason than yourself.

One of the hardest lessons that you will have to learn about your life can be encapsulated in 5 words:

“It is not about you”.

You were born to impact and influence the lives of those around you. This notion is not just for the few or the many, it is for all of us. It is a deep rooted truth that has motivated many to influence and change the world. From Moses to Mandela, Mother Teresa to Che Guevara, all these individuals sacrificed themselves for a greater cause than themselves. These were not extra ordinary human beings, but they answered a feeling that all of us have embedded inside our hearts. They heard the voice that hits us all at some point(s) in our lives, the voice that says, “I need to do something. I must do something.”

As you give of yourself to others, the strangest thing happens; you find your true self. It is in the context of others that you discover... you. Use your gifts and talents to affect positive change in your surroundings. Give to the poor, donate money to a charity, teach somebody a skill, share your time with the unfortunate, be friendly, love the unlovable, pay for a child’s pre-primary education... Whatever you do, do not harden your heart.

God gave your gifts; use them to bless those around you.

He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.
Jim Elliot

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


It is tempting to take this expression and place it under the banner of "Famous speeches".

It's easy to think of it as famous words spoken by a famous man in a time past and irrelevant to our South African context. But whether you are an American or not, the reality is that these words echo deep in the hearts of every man and women walking this earth.

Whatever it is, pursue it with every vessel in your body, with every ounce of breathe that God grants you. I dare you to believe that your dream can come true. Thereafter, I double dare you to put action to your faith.

Rene Angelil mortgaged his own home to finance Celine Dion's first album. When nobody else would take her in, he saw something that other record labels didn't, a genuine talent that was bound to mesmerize the world. What first steps do you need to take in order to step out and live your dream. Be courageous and do it!

Madonna moved to New York City in 1977 with $35 in her pocket and a dream to become a star. The road was not easy, but she made it. If Madonna can make it, surely you can too!

Sean "P.Diddy" Combs started Bad Boy records with an unknown rapping artist, Nortorius BIG. He took a chance on an overweight, awkward looking rapper and made history. Today, P. Diddy, is a major media mogul making millions of dollars worldwide.

No matter what you've seen and heard. Contrary to popular belief and experience. Dreams do come true! It's crazy to think so, I know. But remember, people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.


Thursday, June 10, 2010



Passion is something that no man can live without. Without it, you are slowly dying. We live in a world that places so many demands on us. Responsibilities overwhelm and force many people into a life-less existence.

Look at your life. When do you feel most alive? Give yourself time to feel that more and more.
Take time out and do something that you enjoy. Stop everything and go create a crazy memory. You have one life to live, so live it out loud. Don't over-think it! That thing that you have been toying with in your mind. I'm talking about that dream that you've been postponing for "later on". Just do it now. Aim for the stars, reach for the ridiculous and you might just end up with something great.

Have the courage to live your life!