
These words are written to inspire you.
These thoughts are shared to ignite you.
This life is meant to be lived by you.
So LIVE your life to the fullest.


Tuesday, October 19, 2010


If you’re not making this world a better place then all the best to you, enjoy your life, but you are wasting your time. It costs one thing to leave a legacy… Everything.

I am learning very quickly that there is no shortcut to excellence. It is only through hard work and sacrifice that you achieve greatness. And the greatness that I talk about is not one of monetary measure; it is the kind that echoes for eternity in the hearts and lives of generations to come. That means different things to different people. What does it mean to you?

My challenge today is for all those with dreams that they have put on the back burner. Question: “When are you going to start moving towards them?” Tomorrow? 2011? 2012? When you get promoted? After you graduate? Whatever your answer is, pen it down. Tell somebody and stick to it. You were born with a unique set of characteristics, personality traits and abilities. Your DNA, fingerprints, even your voice patterns testify that there is nobody else designed like you. Therefore, live your life like only you can. Use your gifts and use them for all they are worth. Use them to change things. Use them to shift cultures. Use them to save the world. Whatever it is you decide to put your hands to, do it with everything inside and leave nothing to take to the grave.

“Talent, you have naturally. Skill is only developed by hours and hours and hours of beating on your craft. There’s no easy way around it. No matter how talented you are, your talent is going to fail if you’re not skilled.” Another Smith quote.

What am I saying? Don’t accept a mediocre version of yourself. You know there’s more inside you. You know there’s more you can and want to do. I pray you may have the courage to do it.

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